Sitemap - 2024 - The Art of Flash Fiction

The Heart of the Matter: Emotionally Charged Flash Fiction

Best Small Fictions Reading, Sat. April 27th, 10 a.m. Eastern Time!

The Ego vs. The Soul

Registering now: All New 3-in-90 Workshops!

REMINDER: Inaugural Flash Immersion Reading, tomorrow, April 21st! Open for link!

Drumroll: Sunday's Readers

Three Paragraphs + Anaphora

Staying "in the Heart": Attempting a dervish flash

You're invited: Inaugural Flash Immersion Reading, April 21st! Open for link!

Let's dance...

Prompts vs. Exercises

The Literalized Metaphor

Do you have a great family story that's been told and retold over the years?

The Single-Scene Flash

From the archives: Absence, Negation, and White Space

The Miraculous First Draft

Flash Immersion - FINAL Day!

Creative Alchemy: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Eight

The Seven-Step Micro: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Seven

Fun Facts: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Six

Fun Facts: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Six

Founding Members, Hello!

"Yours" by Mary Robison: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Five

Titles! Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Four

Superpowers: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Three

A Place for Us: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-Two

Your Writerly Dreams: Flash Immersion - Day Twenty-One

From the archives: The Secret to Great Writing Revealed! Flash Immersion - Day Twenty

To the Dying Peace Lily...: Flash Immersion - Day Nineteen

Good Sentences in Your Ears: Flash Immersion - Day Eighteen

Mise en scène: Flash Immersion - Day Seventeen

It's Imperative: Flash Immersion - Day Sixteen

February Newsletter - all subscribers

Breaking Free of the Ordinary - Flash Immersion - Day Fifteen

Pressing Pause: Flash Immersion - Day Fourteen

Join my chat!

The Rashomon Effect - Flash Immersion - Day Thirteen

Begin with the impossible: Flash Immersion - Day Twelve

Sunday thread: What's your all-time favorite movie ending?

Close encounters: Flash Immersion - Day Eleven

Significant Object: Flash Immersion - Day Ten

Liminal Spaces: Flash Immersion - Day Nine

Ekphrasis: Flash Immersion - Day Eight

A fun one: Flash Immersion - Day Seven

"Index of Body Parts" by Kim Magowan: Flash Immersion - Day Six

From the archives: Flash Fiction as Its Own Unique Form: Flash Immersion - Day Five

Sunday Thread: What's your writerly origin story?

The American Sentence: Flash Immersion - Day Four

Three Paragraphs + Anaphora: Flash Immersion - Day Three

Say hello! (If you wish)

The World in Miniature: Flash Immersion - Day Two

Ready, Set, Write! Flash Immersion - Day One

Extravaganza Home Page

Obsessions & Observations

Your beloved flash fictions?

Invincible summer...

From the archives: Writing with Courage and Conviction

The flash series

Upcoming workshops - What would you like me to teach?

Good madness